Book your free site inspection
Find out for yourself. Book a free site inspection and we’ll give you a UV torch that you can keep.
iClean is the trusted cleaning services provider for

and many more

Book your free, no-strings-attached site inspection
When you fill in the form, one of our cleaning experts will reach out to set up a time with you to perform the review.
No need to prepare anything.
After the site visit you’ll be provided with a detailed report with our findings and recommendations for improvement.
Call: 1300 763 356 or 0438 765 044
Email: robyn@icleanfs.com.au
Or complete the form below and we’ll contact you.
Unsure what the best option is for your business?
We’re happy to provide you with a recommendation. Feel free to call us directly on 1300 763 356
Why Choose Us

Years of Experience
20+ years of experience taught us how to use accountability to get consistency

Recruitment Process
We only recruit staff that excel at cleaning and who are willing to action our values

Training Systems
Every staff member goes through our rigorous induction and on-site training programs

Our Values
We use our core values as a guiding principle on our approach to providing cleaning

Recognition & Rewards
Our site leaders are trained to find and reward staff who excel at their roles daily

Regular Auditing
All facilities are audited daily by on-site leadership and monthly by the management

Innovative Technology
We are constantly seeking out innovative ways to improve our service with technology

Valued Relationships
Our clients are our priority and we ensure that communication is simple and prioritised
Client Spotlight.
Catch people doing things right!
Find out how iClean can help your business
Call us directly on 1300 763 356 or request a callback using the button below.